a bespoke publishing platform
Rogue Umbrella is a new publishing platform bringing new writers, ideas and stories from Ukraine to English readers around the world. We also bring writers, new and old, to Ukrainian readers.
Our Flagship Publication
The Black Sea Whale is an anthology of new writing expanding our understanding and knowledge with unique perspectives on current affairs, history, literature and common sense ideas. And it’s from Ukraine!
Available at:
www.blackseawhale.comBooks in Ukrainian!
Old or new, ideas & stories have an impact on the way we live and sharing them is part of our mission. These are a few of the books we've translated into Ukrainian and brought to market for readers in Ukraine.
Coming soon!
Rogue Umbrella was founded by three rebel hyphenates: Ulana Suprun, Marko Suprun and Volodymyr Muzyczka. The three of them hope to attract more rebels under an umbrella publishing platform — in other words, if you’re a reader, a writer, a publisher, or know someone who’s a great storyteller, drop us a line; we’re always interested to find new partnerships.
Write to us at
[email protected]